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来源: | 作者:佚名 | 发布时间: 2024-03-20 | 1447 次浏览 | 分享到:


Development of Microreactors for Hydrogen

Production Based on Microchannel Technology





Compressed or liquid hydrogen as main fuel has many disadvantages: low boiling point, easily burned and exploded, difficultly compressed and liquefied. Hydrogen storage and transportation also take up large room. Moreover, it is dangerous and difficult to inject hydrogen into sealed vessel.

The best solution to deal with these problems is generating hydrogen for fuel cell from hydrogen bearing liquid fuels by microreactors. Hydrogen can be directly or indirectly produced by reforming from hydrocarbons, such as methanol, ethanol, methane, propane and gasoline. As the advantages of compact, high efficiency and low cost, microchannel reactors not only can instantly produce hydrogen from hydrocarbons, but also integral design with fuel cells and supply hydrogen continuously

As shown in Fig 1, the principle of a hydrogen fuel processor is as follows: after reforming liquid hydrocarbon fuels (such as methanol or ethanol), the hydrogen rich airflow generated is mainly composed of low hydrogen content and high carbon monoxide content. This gas mixture is not suitable for direct use in fuel cells, as high levels of carbon monoxide may lead to the failure of the fuel cell anode. To solve this problem, it is necessary to add an additional conversion unit, namely a fuel processor, in the hydrogen production process to reduce the content of carbon monoxide for use in fuel cells.


1 制氢燃料处理器原理

Fig 1. Principle of Fuel processors for hydrogen production


Microchannel structure




1.Single-sided microchannel structure

The microreactor was constructed by two cover plates and four microchannel plates (Fig2.a). Chemical etching was utilized to machine 48 microchannels on the stainless steel plate(Fig2.b) with 0.34mm in thickness, the dimension of each microchannel is 30×0.5×0.17mmthe width of rib between the microchannels is 0.5mm(Fig2.c).The whole volume of microreactor is 22px3 . Rh-K/Al2O3 catalyst was coated inside the microchannel. The result showed that the microchannel reactors were predominant than other reactors, Rh-K/Al2O3 catalyst could improve the CO preferential oxidation.


           (a)整体形状              b)微通道板                          c)微通道

                                  (a) Holistic shape          (b) Microchannel plates                  (c) Microchannel


Fig2. Microchannel reactor for CO preferential oxidation

2. 双侧微通道结构


2. Double-sided microchannel structure

As Fig3 showed that is a new type microchannel reactor for partial oxidation of methane. The microreactor was constituted of nine laminated stainless steel plates(Fig3.b), which have different microstructures serving different functions, such as combustion, reaction, preheat, quench and spacer. Both sides of the reaction plate comprise 37 straight microchannels whose dimension is 1500 µ m in depth, 254 µ m in width and 87.5px in length were fabricated by electrodischarge machining (EDM). The width of the ribs between the microchannels is 254µm. One side of the microchannels was coated with catalysts for partial oxidation of methane, and the other side was used for the flow of the heat exchange gas (Fig3.c). The dimension of the stainless steel plates is 70mm×38mm×4 mm. Rh catalysts could prevent the inner surface from accumulating matter.


        (a)部分氧化微反应器                                         b)片层结构

                           (a) Partial oxidation microreactor                      (b) Sheet lamination structure


                             Reactants input           products output                                 Back face (exchange heat area)

                               反应物输入                  产物输出                                             背面(换热区域)


      正面  (反应区)                                                产品输出            热流体输入

                            Front face (reaction zone)                                      products output      Heat fluids input


(c)Front back and face of microchannel plates


Fig 3. The principle of partial oxidation of methane



3.Penetrable microchannel structure

Fig4 is a penetrable microchannel heat exchange.Researchers cut off quadrate material by punch technology, and then formed penetrable microchannel structure. Many crude microstructure plates were covered in the top and bottom of channel. The angle was 90 degree between two microstructure plates. The interleaving heat exchanger was composed of many lamination plates by diffusion connect technology. Researchers choose water as medium in the exchanger, in the condition of velocity of flow is 6L/h, the temperature of hot water is 78 degree and cold water is 17 degree, the power of exchanger can up to 220W.Nowadays more and more researchers are interested in microreactors with penetrable microchannel structure.

4 具有可穿透微通道的交错换热器

Fig 4. The interleaving heat exchanger with penetrable microchannel


The distribute of microchannel flow channels



Figure 5 shows two types of microreactors developed using ammonia decomposition method, which was made from 99 percent aluminum. The first microreactor, as shown in Figue5.a.The square array of column in the base plate were fabricated by electrodischarge machining (EDM), the space of each channel formed the microchannel, each column was 300µm in height. The other microreactor was structured by 14 microchannels (Fig5.b).The reactor can convert 99% of ammonia at 600 ºC into the equivalent of 60W of hydrogen.


a)柱状微通道                                                         b)平行微通道

(a) Columniation microchannel                                       (b) Parallel microchannel

5 氨分解法微型反应器

Fig 5. Microreactors using ammonia decomposition method



Fig.6 is a micromixer (Fig.6), in which fluid must pass the sloping surface of crossed microchannel structure. The width of channel was 25 µ m or 40 µ m.This kind of microchannel structure designed by researcher could not only add interface area, but also improve the stability of separate wall.


6 微通道微混合器

Fig 6. microchannel micromixer



Fig 7  the methanol reforming microreactor with multi-laminated structure (Fig7). They integrated two vaporizers, one reforming unit with catalytic combustor, and one CO remover together. The entire system could be divided into two flow channels, the combustions happen as follows: in one flow channel, methanol is first preheated in vaporizer2, and then it burns in catalytic combustor and provides the heat for the reformer. While inside the other flow channel, the mixture of methanol and water is being preheated in vaporizer1, then the reaction takes place in the reformer and the hydrogen-rich gas stream come out, and lastly, the CO is preferentially oxidized in the CO remover.

7 多层微反应器中的流动通道

Fig 7. Flow channels in the multi- laminated microreactor


Sheet lamination technology




Plate lamination technology refers to the process of first laminating multiple types of plates and then obtaining them through diffusion welding.

The concept of plate lamination technology is applied to hydrogen production in microchannel reactors in Figure 8.Pacific Multiple metal sheets, patterned by micro machining technology, are firstly piled up and then welded by diffusion welding under high temperature and pressure to yield a monolithic leak-tight solid metal component, in which forms the desired microchannel flow channels for reactants and products.



8 薄板层压结构

Fig 8. Sheet laminated structure



Fig9.a is a methanol reforming microreactor with the multi-laminated structure of stainless plates (Fig9.a). The microreactor whose dimension is 70mm in length, 40mm in width and 30mm in height, was structured by two cover plate, three distribution sheets and three stainless plates with microchannel (Fig9.b).There were four holes as part of flow channel in the cover plate, two hole and two triangle channel in the distribution sheets, both of structure could improve the uniform performance of flow channel.



a 整体形状                               b)多层结构

(a) Holistic shape                        (b) multi-laminated structure

9 甲醇重整微通道反应器

Figure 9. Methanol reforming microchannel reactor


Fig10 is a kind of microchannel reactor for CO preferential oxidation based on the sheet lamination technology (Fig10).The microchannel reactor which integrates with heat exchanger can be used in CO preferential oxidation for methanol reforming microreactor.Vaporizer could use the exhaust gas from fuel cell to heat fuel. The energy required by steam reforming reaction mainly was from combustion of residual hydrogen production which expel from the anode of fuel cells. The gas from the anode of fuel cells could absorb the energy from the preferential oxidation reactor. This kind of preferential oxidation reactor the design performance was about 35 percent.


10 用于CO优先氧化的微通道反应器

Fig 10. Microchannel reactor for CO preferential oxidation



Fig11 is a type of high flux micromixer which is suitable to manufacture on a large scale. The design of mixer based on the multi-laminated structure with particle hole in the sheet (Fig11). The whole mixer was composed of 400 stainless sheets; the thickness of each sheet is between 20µm and 50µm. After testing the mix quality of this mixer, the result shows that the efficiency is better than single T shape and laboratory kettle shape mixer.


11 带颗粒孔的微通道混合器

Fig 11. Microchannel mixer with particle hole




As shown in Figure 12. a, the reactor is made based on stainless steel sheet lamination technology, including fuel vaporizer, steam reformer, heat exchanger and catalytic combustor, as shown in Fig12.a. Straight microchannels were patterned on a stainless steel sheet with 500µm in thickness by wet chemical etching. There were two types of sheets with symmetry pattern (Fig12.b). All stainless steel sheets were classified into several groups, and then are separately piled and welded by braze welding to form different unit reactors, such as fuel vaporizer, steam reformer, heat exchanger and catalytic combustor (Fig12.c).




(a) Holistic shape

b 微通道板                                      c)堆叠单元

(b) Microchannel plates                                  (c) Stacking unit

12 集成甲醇燃料处理器

Fig 12. Integrated methanol fuel processor


All unit reactors were assembled and tightened by two end-plates to form the fuel processor with two flow passages of steam reformer and catalytic combustor. The performance of this fuel processor was optimized under different reaction conditions. Results showed that the optimal dimension of the fuel processor is 60mm×40mm×30mm.








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